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Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Cracking Winrar | Winzip | 7z Using Rarcrack In Parrot Security OS

Welcome Once More Techies.
Have you ever wondered how to crack winrar|winzip| and 7z password using Parrotsec?? , if yes then you're in the right place to wonder no more . Because today, we will be teaching you on how to crack rar|zip|7z passwords in no time.

So lets get started.
this photo on your left is showing a download page, you need to download rarcrack(it contains an algorithm for cracking rar|zip|7z passwords). go to this link to download it Rarcrack Algorithm

Download the rarcrack and save it to desktop as shown in the picture at your left. Create an empty folder and extract the rarcrack inside.
When done with that, copy the rar|zip|7z file that has password and also drop it inside the folder.
Inside the folder which contains the rarcrack files extracted and your password file, open terminal in same directory and type the following below;                        
Type the following below in terminal:
  • ls -l (displays list of items available in the folder)
  •  rarcrack test.rar(replace "test" with your passcode file name and .rar with extension) --threads 8 --type rar(Note: replace rar with your own extension)
  •  So the whole process in full will look like this;
  • rarcrack test.rar --threads 8 --type rar and hit enter to begin cracking process. the process won't take long depending on the size of the password.
  • That's all, be patient for the cracking process to get finish,
  • It won't take all of your time.
  • The password will crack very fast depending on your RAM.
  • When done, it will say GOOD: PASSWORD CRACKED:"  ".
                                                                            Stay Tuned. 🔂

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


2018 GCE Results Released!

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board(CGCEB) Today the 23rd of July 2018 released the long-awaited results of the GCE O/L and A/L. However, anxiety still remains the portion of the candidates who are expecting their results, most of them with a lot of  'uncertainty'. Nevertheless, we at Digital Buddies are looking forward to bringing to you the complete list of the successful candidates of the 2018 session of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Examination. Stay Calm.. take a deep breathe and click the link below to see your results.._-_; GCE 2018 RESULTS


How To Remotely Shutdown A computer

Hi guys, i am back today with another skill-upgrading tip for you. Today, i will show you how to shutdown any computer which is on the same network with you. It could be the network at your office, school, etc which is most often the LAN(Local Area Network). I have tried this and it works perfectly both on Windows XP and Windows 7. Just follow the steps below keenly:-

1. Make sure your computer and the target computer which is the computer you want to shutdown are both connected to the network and there is internet access(INTERNET ACCESS IS ENSURED FOR BETTER FUNCTIONALITY OF THIS TRICK).


2. Click the 'Start Button' on the taskbar or hit the 'Windows Logo' key on the keyboard. Then type in 'cmd' in the space provided and wait for some seconds.

3. Right-Click on the 'cmd' icon that appears(usually the first to appear) and choose 'Run as administrator'. click 'Yes' on the next screen that appears(for some computers) to confirm.

2. Hold down the 'Windows Logo' key plus the 'R' key on the keyboard.

3. Type in 'cmd' in the space provided in the dialog box that appears and click 'OK'.

4. The window that appears looks just like the one below.

5. Type in 'ipconfig' and hit the 'Enter' key. The computer's 'IP Address' will be displayed as shown below.

6. Copy out the IP Address of the target computer and get back to your own computer.

7. Now, carry out steps 2 and 3 on your own computer and type in 'shutdown/i' in the Command Prompt window. A big dialog box appears.

8. Click the 'Add' button at the top of the dialog box and type in the IP Address of the target computer and click 'OK'. '' as i have typed in below is not my IP Address, it's just a sample...

9. You can now modify the settings in the dialog box to suite your taste, then you type in your comment(the comment is compulsory) and click 'OK'.

10. The message that will appear on the target computer will look like the one below...

...or as a notification from the taskbar like this;

11. Congratulations! You have successfully shutdown someone's computer without his/her knowledge.

>>>>>Enjoy the benefits of living in a DIGITAL WORLD<<<<<

Saturday, July 21, 2018


How to make a software run every time you boot your PC.

Hello guys, here is another interesting tip for you! Have you ever been carrying out that stressful activity of running a particular software/program each time you boot your PC? Worry no more because i am going to put an end to that stress today by showing you this amazing method. Just stay on track with me;
1. Hold down the 'Windows Logo' key plus 'R'. A dialog box will appear.

2. Type in 'shell:startup' in the dialog box that appears and click 'OK'.

3. If you followed the steps well, a folder is going to open. Paste the executable of any software or its 'shorcut' in that folder and that software will run every time you boot your Computer.

4. That's it, so easy!

This trick works both on Windows 7 and Windows XP.
Enjoy the benefits of living in a DIGITAL WORLD.


Download YouTube Videos With No Software.

Download Without Software


Today we will be teaching you on how to download videos on YouTube without
any software, using just a click to download your favorite videos.
To get started, go to YouTube and click on your video. 
On the address bar, you will see something like this;
Now simply add double " ss " in front of youtube url as shown below, hit enter button on keyboard,

That's where the link will take you to, as shown in the picture above. Just click   on the download button and you're good to go. Very clear and simple.
Stay Tuned.

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